Ten Years of Blogging

Time. A fleeting abstract, something we created to try to make sense of and create structure out of life. And with that brief attempt at pseudo-depth out of the way, how the fuck have I been doing this for ten years? Starting in 2014, I opened up a blog, not really expecting to keep it going really beyond two months, partly due to being bad at keeping projects going, and partly due to not fully understanding the appeal at first. Well, aren’t I looking like a fool? Or maybe I’m a symbol of endurance and passion? Nah, the foolishness is funnier. Also, the ten year anniversary was actually yesterday, the 27th, but I may or may not have been potentially playing the new “Like a Dragon” game most of the day and thus forgetting to post before now, oopsie-god damn-daisy.

Kazuma Kiryu from Yakuza 0 asking "What am I doing with my life?"

Me realizing that I still have stuff that I need to get done after I’ve played Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth all day instead.

But what a decade it’s been. It’s broadened my horizons, giving me a better grasp of writing (allegedly), exposing me to new culture and entertainment (to the chagrin of gatekeepers), and allowing me to make some marvelous new friends (who’ve clearly been affected by Stockholm Syndrome). It’s allowed me opportunities that I never would’ve thought possible. Getting some contact with creators whose work I like, being given shots at seeing a few rad indie productions before other people, and even kind of acting as a bridge to getting a few paid writing gigs. Am I saying these are norms for everyone getting into blogging/reviewing? No, and I didn’t even do it for these opportunities, but I can’t deny how extraordinarily lucky to have experienced all of this, in large part thanks to this site.

But I also gotta thank any of y’all reading this or that dropped a follow via wordpress over the years. Going into any creation venture purely with subcribers/followers in mind is the wrong mindset, but I will not deny that seeing those numbers tick up has helped keep me going. And seeing the comments and support has kept me going and has meant more than I could ever explain.

So what’s next? Well, for the most part things will go as normal, posting mad ramblings about film and TV when I feel/can. However, in order to celebrate the horrifyingly inevitable passage of time, I am doing something special. Coming up, I am going to re-review some of the first films I ever covered on the blog, partly as a fun anniversary thing and partly because I’m a petty bitch who can’t stand his old words. So within the coming weeks, if you like my stuff, look forward to the first anniversary Movie Revisit, covering the first film I ever talked about on here… Clint Eastwood’s “Unforgiven”.

So with that, whether you’re new or a long-timer, thanks for reading. I appreciate you… a lot. Have a great one.