Third time’s the Liebster Award


So the awesome Jia Wei from Film and Nuance has decided to nominate me for a Liebster award. First off, thanks man… really appreicate the love. Secondly, this is the third one of these that I have received. Not sure what it does, but it’s always fun to see one of these get thrown my way to then hit me in the face because I was never good at sports which means I wouldn’t have the ability to catch it in time. Anyway, rambling done, let’s do this shit. You know, the shit. Answer questions, nominate some people, give them questions. Also, at the start of it, thank the person who nominated you… done.

1.What is your favourite movie in your least favourite genre. And why?
I don’t really like romantic movies. Very few of them have any other purpose than to show two somewhat attractive people be in love nd then fight and then be in love again. But to give credit where credit is due, I do think “Brokeback Mountain” is a good example of a romantic movie that works. It’s a fantastic movie that features conflicted characters with many layers to them. Combine that with the fantastic performances from Ledger and Gyllenhaal and the magnificent directing by Ang Lee, and you get one hell of a drama with great emotional impact. I also really enjoyed Woody Allen’s “Midnight in Paris”, that movie was a lot of fun.

2.If you had to favour a certain style (for directing a film,writing a book or any other art form of your choice), would you prefer a no-frills and direct approach, or an artistic and ambiguous one. Why?
That is a damn good question. Hmmm… I don’t know, both styles offer things that I enjoy seeing within film/television/literature. I guess I’ll go with the artistic and ambiguous one because of it being able to generate some interesting discussion between people.

3.Name a movie you can watch any day. 
“The Rock”. Such a fun action movie with a badass and awesome performance by Sean Connery. I’d also say that several if not most of the MCU films can be easily digested at any time.

4.If you could keep an object that you had previously but by now either lost it,sold,misplaced,had it stolen or destroyed, what would it be?
There are a good amount of toys that I had as a kid that I’ve either lost or seen semi-destroyed that I would love to see on my desk/in my room. I’m a huge geek who loved a lot of those things back as a child and still have a soft spot for now. For example, I had some old Spider-Man action figures that I’d like to still have with me since he is my favorite superhero.

5.Pick an era to live in. 
1960s or 1970s. Lots of great films that came out in those times that would be awesome to see in those old theaters. But I do also to some extent like my times now because of the easy access to most things a person could need.

6.The best film you’ve seen this year and an unreleased 2016 film that you think might beat it. 
“Deadpool”. Fucking love “Deadpool”. Not sure if anything could really beat it, but I have a slight suspicion that “Rogue One” could reach those heights at least.

7.Name a memory you would keep till your death. 
I wouldn’t want to forget anything except for some times that were pretty meh. But if I have to pick out a specific one… My trip to England. Had such an amazing time, met a whole bunch of new friends who I still have some contact with. A lot of the thigns I saw and did too were pretty awesome, so I guess I’d like to keep that entire trip.

8.Ice-cream or popsicles? 
Ice cream, no doubt about that one.

9.Where do you stand on the Harambe case? 
I think that the memes are getting a little too out of hand because they’re stupid and honestly kind of disrespectful to both the great creature and the Cincinnati zoo. But to give my two cents on the situation itself: The mother should have kept much closer attention to the kid and made sure that it wouldn’t have tried to climb in. But I also need to say that the zoo needed to have checked their fences properly so that NO ONE could climb/fall into Harambe’s habitat so easily. Though it is kind of difficult to point fingers on specifically one thing because of so many possible factors playing into it.

10.Favourite type of music? And what does it mean to you? 
Even if people have never met me, they still most likely are aware of my love for rock music. And I’m not really talking about the style of rock that you heard Elvis or Bill Haley play (Sidenote: I think their music is great, so don’t think I’m hating on them), but I’m talking mroe the style that came in the 70s and 80s. More specifically, the music from my favorite band, AC/DC. And really I’m just addicted to that stuff, I think it’s absolutely amazing. Without it, I don’t think I would entirely be the same person that I am.

11.How do you cool off after being upset/angry? 
Walk away, sit down on the floor, deep breaths. So basically meditation, but in a less spiritual sense. Coffee also tends to help out a lot. Hugs can also be helpful, whether they’d come from my dog or one of my parents.

So those were the questions that were given to me. And I gotta say, they were really good, I could really tell that a lot of thought went into them. So now I gotta choose some sacrificial victi- I mean, nominees.

There, nine nominees. You might say that I’m cheating, but if you look up the official rules of the Liebster award, it says that you nominate 5 to 11 blogs. So as long as you’re somewhere inbetween there, you’re good. And nine is between those, so I win! Now, time to give them some questions to answer so I can learn their darkest secre- I mean, know what they think about stuff.

1. Is there a movie remake that you actually think is good?

2. You’re gonna be stuck in a prison cell for a long time, name three books that you’d bring with you to pass the time.

3. Are there any movie adaptations that you think are better than the book it’s based on?

4. Best/Worst film you’ve seen so far that came out this year?

5. Should the United states presidential campaign of 2016 be called Tron or Clump?

6. What was your favorite toy as a kid?

7. Global warming: Scientific fact or total bullshit?

8. Is there a song that always gets you emotional/makes you cry?

9. What’s your favorite documentary film?

10. Cats or dogs?

11. What is your most anticipated movie of 2017?

There, 11 questions. DONE! Have fun answering those and then giving some other people questions of your own!

I want to once again thank the awesome JW from Film and Nuance for nominating me for this. Sure, figuring out who to nominate and also coming up with questions is a task that takes a lot of effort, but I guess it’s worth it in the end. But it’s always fun spreading the love among people who may or may not need it, ya know.

So this has been Markus answering and questioning things once again. But before we go, I just wanna mention that I’m planning a little announcement at the moment, so look out for that shit!
Have a good one.



2 thoughts on “Third time’s the Liebster Award

  1. Thanks for the nomination and you came up with some great questions! I also really liked the answers you gave to the questions you got asked. Now I am excited for Rogue One again.

  2. Pingback: Liebster Award (#3 & #4) – Motion Picture Blog

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